Saturday, September 03, 2005


I was pleased to see that many of the nation's law schools are accepting students from areas affected by Katrina, most without additional cost to the student. Hopefully this will help alleviate the complete upheaval of the lives of those affected, particularly Tulane and Loyola students.

Now I want to know what, if anything, can be done for the people who sat for the bar exam in July and had their exams lost in the flood?


At 2:00 PM, September 03, 2005, Blogger cg-c said...

OMG, were exams really lost? I cannot even imagine...

At 6:16 PM, September 03, 2005, Blogger TSC Girl said...

Yes. The following is an excerpt from an email I received over a legal librarians' listserv:

"Our state bar offices are under water. Our state disciplinary offices
are under water - again with evidence ruined. Our state disciplinary
offices are located on Veteran's Blvd. in Metairie. Those of you who
have been watching the news, they continue to show Veteran's Blvd. It's
the shot with the destroyed Target store and shopping center under water
and that looks like a long canal. Our Committee on Bar Admissions is
located there and would have been housing the bar exams which have been
turned in from the recent July bar exam (this is one time I'll pray the
examiners were late in turning them in - we were set to meet in 2 weeks
to go over the results). Will all of those new graduates have to retake
the bar exam?"


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